Saturday, April 28, 2007

PENNLUG in the house

Welcome to the Toy Museum PENNLUG.....first day

One Lizard

One Cactus

3 trains
Playing cards for the Gamblers

Mail for the post office

Who knows what day #2 will bring....only time will tell.

But a special thanks to Dave, Mike, and Chris for kicking butt and taking names. They jumped right in, and made major improvements to the museum within a couple of hours.

Too bad they live so far away, or I have a feeling they would be a regular Fixture in the museum!


Tuesday, April 24, 2007

April building of the museum.

This is the construction scene in the
main hallway.

We began painting this week, got off to a good start.

Also we now have WATER...and no leaks (so far).

This is a picture of;

Construction layout!

We had a proto-type 8ft LEGO guy and a crate that was not being used. So the construction scene was born

Check it out;